Discover great companies, explore opportunities
in one place.

Company Industry Latest Funding Total Raised Amount Company Size Founded Site Traffic
(per month)
App Download
(per month)
gravel Gravel Others Venture Round 14M 51-200 2019 24,300 -
jala JALA IoT/Hardware Series A 28.67M 51-200 2015 49,000 10K+
luna-pos Luna POS Others Seed Funding - 11-50 2018 4,000 -
investree Investree Fintech Series D 278.11M 201-500 2015 79,000 -
qiscus Qiscus SaaS Venture Round 2M 51-200 2013 250,000 -

Explore over 680+ companies and investor data

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our platform

From companies active fundraising to venture
capital is ready for you

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Make use of our scoring system or create your own
custom score to suit your investment preference.

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Enjoy the periodically updated general information of
the companies, newest funding and investment
opportunity, along with funding details.

Discover your needs

Customize your search to fit your data needs from
category filtering to specific keyword searching.

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Bring together angel investors with early stage
startups to develop the next step startup ecosystem
in Indonesia.

Frequently asked question

What is is a platform where you can explore, discover, and connect with great companies in one place. Our vision is to provide a space where companies and investors can find each other's opportunities.

What the type data profile Have?

  • All Companies

    Displays the list of companies chronologically based on recent activity like newly added and recent updates

  • Fundraising

    Displays the list of companies that actively looking for investor or doing fundraising

What benefits do I get when I use this platform?

  • Increase efficiency in conducting due dilligence

    Make use of our scoring system or create your own custom score to suit your investment preference.

  • Preview company profile

    Enjoy the periodically updated general information of the companies, newest funding and investment opportunity, along with funding details

  • Discover your needs

    Customize your search to fit your data needs from category filtering to specific keyword searching

  • Connect with company

    Bring together angel investors with early stage startups to develop the next step startup ecosystem in Indonesia.

What is Scoring Indicator in

We are called “Performance Score”, this is a scoring that is created based on the dataset owned by The scoring measures the performance of a company and takes into account factors that matter in the growth of startups, such as the profile of the founders and executives, previous funding, presence in social media, website traffic, app traffic, as well as traction.

This scoring is dynamic and might change according to the data that is collected by our team, as well as other events that happen and affect the score such as funding, executive team changes, and product launches

How to join as an Investor in

  1. You can acces this link to apply as Investor

  2. After submit the registration form, our team will check and verify your data

  3. If you match with investor policy, our team will send your login access to access our platform

  4. Enjoy to exploring for potential investment in

How to join as a Founder from active fundraising company in

  1. You can acces this link to apply as Company Founder

  2. After submit the registration form, our team will check and verify your data

  3. If you match with company fundraising policy, our team will send you information if the company data have submited in our platform

  4. Wait and see who is investor interest and connect with your company

How to works to help the company?

  1. First of all, your company have listed in database

  2. Investor get notification for new company joined

  3. Investor interested and connected with your company

  4. send founder and Investor email to start the conversation

Custom Score feature is Coming

We appreciate your interest in using our new feature. Please kindly fill out our form, so we will let you know the update when the Custom Score launched and ready to use.